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Weekend Warrior Sleep

Can you really catch up on lost sleep? I have always been a strong believer in and proponent of the recovery power of sleep. It is undervalued, yet so important to our living and performing in a human body from day to day. I recently came across a research article on weekly sleep deprivation and […]

The Importance of a “fatty brain”

The miracle of Omega 3 oils First up, a quick anatomy review: the brain is made up of 60-70% fat. Yes, you have and want a “fatty brain”. Brain health means improved physical and cognitive performance. What role does fat play in your brain and body’s performance? Why maintaining a fatty brain is important and […]

Simple Nutrition Guidelines: The Basics

10 Tips The subject of nutrition can be confusing and frustrating. What to eat? When to eat? Will this food or drink help or hurt my performance?? Let’s get back to basics. 1. Choose simplicity. Eat un-processed foods: read the label, do you recognize every ingredient? The closer the food is to its natural state, […]

Cyclists: Pedal Better

How to improve efficiency on the bike Faster, stronger, easier we are all looking for ways to ride further and ride faster. One simple, and often overlooked, way to achieve this is to improve pedaling mechanics. Pedaling more efficiently improves overall cycling efficiency, defined as the amount of power produced for a given level of […]

Brussels Sprouts with Toasted Walnuts & Lemon

From The Denver Post Start to finish: 15 minutes. Serves 6. Ingredients: 1/2 C coarsely chopped walnuts 1 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts 2 T extra virgin olive oil Zest and juice of 1 lemon Sea or kosher salt and ground black pepper Directions: Heat oven to 350F. Put the walnuts in a pie plate and […]

Top 10 List for Cyclists

Improve your cycling now! These suggestions will help keep you on track with your training through the darker, colder months. This list is not necessarily in a specific order. It is just one possible order of priorities. Put them in the order that best suits you. The “off season” (now!) is the most important time […]

An Athlete’s Holiday Survival Guide

How to avoid holiday weight gain With the holidays fast approaching, thoughts of cookies and cakes, turkey and trimmings, pumpkin and pecan pies fill our brains. Moreover, with this year’s racing season behind us, it is not difficult to pack on a few off-season pounds. With a survival guide and a plan of action you […]
