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Cyclists: Pedal Better

How to improve efficiency on the bike Faster, stronger, easier we are all looking for ways to ride further and ride faster. One simple, and often overlooked, way to achieve this is to improve pedaling mechanics. Pedaling more efficiently improves overall cycling efficiency, defined as the amount of power produced for a given level of […]

Top 10 List for Cyclists

Improve your cycling now! These suggestions will help keep you on track with your training through the darker, colder months. This list is not necessarily in a specific order. It is just one possible order of priorities. Put them in the order that best suits you. The “off season” (now!) is the most important time […]

Exercise & The Immune System

Does exercise boost immunity? We are in the thick of cold and flu season. With all the media attention on the flu virus, what to do about your training when you feel under the weather? Scientists have been looking at this issue for many years and some good information has come from their research. In […]

Exercise & Weight loss

Is it really important to exercise in order to lose and keep the weight off? One more take on the Time magazine article claiming that exercise is “useless” for weight loss. Anyone who has lost weight and kept it off would agree that this statement was taken out of context and is generally false. This […]

Exercise your way to a healthier brain

When we exercise, we think about achieving many things: increasing lean body mass, losing fat, looking great, feeling great, heart health, etc. But, did you know that engaging in regular aerobic exercise can prevent and possibly even reverse a decline in brain power? New research coming out in the British Journal of Sports Medicine by […]
