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Time crunched athlete, injury prone triathlete becomes great runner

I’d like to share a quick story about one of my athletes. Dianne Hammer is an everyday hero.

Dianne started her triathlon journey about 2 years ago and came to me for coaching last fall. She was plagued with injuries and feeling like she hadn’t reached her potential as an athlete. She was worried about how to balance staying healthy and getting faster with her work and family obligations.

Together we worked on a plan that fit her busy schedule and allowed her to spend time with her family. I checked in with her regularly to make sure she was following the advice of her physical therapist and worked these elements into her training plan.

By the end of the season, she hit PR’s in her swim, bike and especially her run. Running was her favorite sport, but where the injuries were most likely to start or get worse.She finished her season running faster, stronger, farther than ever and remained injury free. In her final race of the season, she raced with her daughter and husband.  “It was a great race. I feel like it really challenged me — more than any other race this season, I dug deep. And I sprinted hard to the finish and beat everyone around me!”

I’d like to share the techniques and skills I use to help all my athletes run faster, stronger and improve resistance to injury.   I’m conducting a series of running clinics in October and November.

Contact Coach Mantak