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Now is the time to thrive

If not now when?

Now, right now, is the best time to make big strides in your life. There are so many incredible opportunities in front of you, right now. Here are some ideas on how to seize them:

  1. Eliminate junk and clutter from your life: excess papers, old magazines, electronics, clothing, etc. Get rid of anything you’re not using and know you will not use. Donate anything worthy.
  2. Get organized. When your home, office and life are organized and free of clutter, you will make better decisions and benefit greatly in all of your small and larger daily tasks.
  3. Get clear. You must get clear on exactly what you want to do. What are your specific goals? The clearer the image, the better and faster the results will appear. If you want to lose weight, know exactly how much you want to lose and how you will go about losing it. Want to get faster, write out your goals and how you will reach them. (Coach Melissa can help!)
  4. Gain knowledge. You must have the knowledge to improve as a person, athlete or business.
  5. Seek resources. Search out and find any and all opportunities to go from where you are to where you want to be. You can always use information in part, in full or in conjunction with existing knowledge.
  6. Take advantage. Make a decision and act, make strides every day to reach your goals. Now is the time.
  7. Commit yourself today. Decide to seek any advantage available, gain any and all skills necessary to reach your goals and take advantage of those opportunities right in front of you. Now is the time to act and go after all you want, desire and deserve in life!